Our Clients
Our customer base for Export Trade Facilitation (ETF) is comprised of small to medium sized exporters based all over the world. We have established credit limits for each company with whom exporters do business. The following is a sampling of the estimated credit limits Kyko has granted to various companies around the globe:
Country Ratings
To find out how a specific country is rated, click on the name of the appropriate geographic territory:
· Africa
· Europe
· Americas
· Asia
Kyko welcomes business with exporters whose clients are based in countries with a rating of ‘A’ and ‘B’. Clients based in countries with a rating of ‘C’ are approved on a case-by-case basis. Kyko generally cannot assist those with clients in countries with a rating of ‘D’, on account of the risk associated with political and governmental instabiliy, but will assist in the event a compelling case is demonstrated.
Exporter Criteria
Kyko is willing to assist any exporter with a reasonable credit rating.
If you would like to apply for Export Trade Facilitation, please e-mail us at Credit@KykoGlobal.com.